SiteFR bot

Le seul bot Discord qui vous fera rêver !

Nos fonctionnalités


Notre bot dispose d’un ping de 3 ms et fait partie des bots les plus rapides.


Nous disposons d’une protection Anti-DDoS exclusive et notre bot est 100% sécurisé 😊.

Happy Users

Nos objectifs : satisfaire nos utilisateurs


Total Servers


Total Users


-help - SiteFR bot's help menu
-ban - Command to ban a user
-channelinfo - Command to get information about a channel
-createchat - Command to create a chat channel
-createvc - Command that allows you to create a voice channel
-deleterole - Command to delete a role
-disablemodlogchannel - Command to disable moderation logs
-disablemuterole - Command to deactivate mute role
-kick - Command to kick a user
-lock - Command that locks a channel
-mute - Command to mute a user
-purge - Command that allows you to delete messages quickly
-reloadmod - Command to reload moderation
-role - Command to get information about a role
-roleadd - Command that allows to add a role to a user
-rolecreate - Command to create a role
-roledelete - Command to delete a role
-rolememberinfo - Command to get information about a user
-setmodlogchannel - Command that configures the mod channel
-setmuterole - Command that allows you to configure the mute role
-slowmode - Command that activates slow mode on a channel
-unban - Command who to unban a user
-unbanall - Command which to unban all users
-unlock - Command to unlock a channel
-unmute - Command to transfer someone
-voicekick - Command that allows you to kick someone out of a vocal

!hug - hugs a user
!ban - bans a user

Nos partenaires